about djwavybb

“One of djwavybb’s biggest motivations for DJing is to encourage other women to pursue their creative passions.

34 Questions Podcast Interview

In this 1 hour long interview, 34Questions interviews djwavybb on her DJ journey, specifically how she got started in the industry, the obstacles she overcame, her DJ podcast, mental health in the music industry, her calling & purpose as a DJ.


“my goal as a DJ is to play everywhere and as many places as I can. I hope to one day throw my own party with my friends and travel the world playing music for different people.

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“djwavybb’s love for music and dance began a very young age, but it wasn’t until a near death experience brought her the conviction to pursue DJing. From then, she’s immersed herself fully into DJing and the DJ and Pinay communities. Starting her DJ life during quarantine, Che’s experiences and performances have all been virtual. She holds weekly Twitch live streams and has participated in various virtual fests including Justice League Twitch stream which raised money for Equal Justice Initiative. Che loves R&B and EDM, and plays all genres with an ease and confidence on camera. She’s grown with the support and inspiration of her friends, DJ collective All My Friends, Academy of DJs, and Twitch community, and continues to create. “My goal as a DJ is simple: to curate a vibe and bring the listener on a journey.”